During today’s Monster Hunter April Digital event, Capcom unveiled a whole load of details for the big version 2.0 free update of Monster Hunter Rise. Arguably the most important detail is the release date – it’ll roll out at roughly 6pm Pacific / 9pm Eastern today (27th April), which is 28th April at 1am UK / 2am CEST.
Let’s deal with the bulk of the details, which will all be part of the free update. Monsters making their debut in this entry will be Chameleos, Kushala Daora and Teostra; there’ll also be Apex Diablos, Apex Rathalos and more. In terms of quest content there’ll be new quests for these monsters, including the Apex variants. We’ll also see the return of downloadable Event quests, which will include arena challenges and single player quests; there’ll be related new weapons and armour, of course.
Into the nitty gritty, you’ll also be able to forge layered armour, and Hunter Caps will unlock to incorporate the new and more difficult quests. You’ll also be able to get one character edit voucher for free if you want to change your hunter.
Which brings us to the paid DLC, which the broadcast rather skipped over. In summary it’s all cosmetics, such as new voices, hair styles, poses, a couple of new background music tracks and more. It’s all content to grab if you really want it, but those opting to avoid paying more aren’t missing much.
Finally, it was confirmed that version 3.0 is coming at the end of May, and will include more monsters and even a new ending.
Lots of good stuff to look forward to it seems; are you planning to take on some of the new content when the Monster Hunter Rise update drops?